Are you feeling overwhelmed with organising your money and need some ongoing support?
Are you tired of trying to figure out how to get all your bookkeeping systems in order without guidance?
Get ready for a non-judgemental space where you can grow, find like minded entrepreneurs on the
same journey as yourself, a place where all question whether you feel they sounds stupid or not, are welcomed!


A place where money is seen holistically, encompassing all aspects of our life.
Understanding harmony is required in both our business & personal lives to thrive,
to prevent stress and anxiety, to find ease.


We begin in March, so get ready to look at your financials for the beginning of 2024!

Empower Your Inner Money Nerd

Gone are the days were being nerdy was uncool, embracing the tools you need to succeed is beyond cool, it's empowering! 

This membership offers you a place to grow with like-minded entrepreneurs, it gives you reassurance you are not alone, it provides you with accountability to finally actually look at your finances on a monthly basis at minimum.

Learning new skills, and looking at your numbers monthly will be a game changer!


Now is your time

Don’t sit in the darkness any longer. This membership is here to bring you into the light of empowerment, clarity, confidence and ease. It is here to help you shine and own your inner masculine whilst keeping that flow in your money holistically.

The shift in energy, change of interests, or rush of emotions you’ve experienced lately is NOT a coincidence. It’s a very real miracle happening for you, and all you need to do to free yourself from doubt and distraction is follow it.

I’m here to help you take that next step.


Each live group session will be held via zoom once a month


This session will be held at the start of each month, this allows us to look at our numbers from the month prior, reassess your cashflow & sales forecast, reconcile your accounts if you haven't yet outsourced this to me or someone else.

I will be there to answer any queries that pop up for you; gather your queries over the month and then get them answered over this duration.

We will also cover off a mini master class on anything from xero specifics, cashflow, sales forecasting, energetics, potential clearings and more.

You can log in for the entire 2hrs, or pop on for 15mins, this is your time, use it to your advantage,


A private chat will be available for connection between members to connect and thrive and reminders to be posted. 


This isn't like your typical gym membership where you sign up, “forget” to turn up and don't get followed up; you will be followed up, I want you to gain value out of this membership, I want to you grow and succeed. I am here for you! 

Discover your inner money nerd and become a founding member

Join me

stay accountable
check over your numbers
 learn the tools


Secure your spot now so you can go over 2024's first quarter together!


What  to  Expect

On the agenda for our live group sessions


Before you even jump on the live session, grab yourself a drink, something nice to nibble on, light some incense or candles, set the vibe for a calm and welcoming session

 M E D I T A T I O N

Money isn't something everyone loves to deal with, plus our lives are fast paced and can get hectic, so we will always begin with a meditation to drop back into our bodies, acknowledge but clear our mind chatter, to get comfortable, and bring our systems back to a place of calm and neutrality.


S E T   Y O U R   I N T E N T I O N

What's your intention for the session, make sure you know what you are wanting to leave with. Is it clarity, knowledge, less anxiety? 

Know this, make sure you leave with this.


L E A R N  &  M A N I F E S T

You will either arm yourself with more tools in a masterclass, or you will be going through your numbers in the accountability and Q&A session. Be prepared, why are you wanting to learn, what are you wanting to manifest, be clear, get the most out of this.


E X T R A   G U I D A N C E

At the end of each session a card will be pulled based on that the collective needs to know for the following weeks.



What would I need to bring to the session?

You will need to be on a computer or laptop, you will need to be able to access your accounting software, or spreadsheets,  you will need access to google drive, and have the ability to log into zoom.

Is there a contract?

No, this is a monthly membership that can be cancelled at any time. Cancellations will need to be sent via email, and will be manually cancelled.

If cancelled after the first session of the month, the membership will be cancelled the following month.

Can I ask questions throughout the sessions??

Yes, questions are welcome! I will always encourage questions, it is important you understand the learnings. Please don't feel lost, don't feel that your questions is stupid - there is no such thing in my sessions. Ask away.

 Will I need my camera on?

I always suggest having your camera and speaker available and working. Whilst I understand sometimes you  may need it off it you are tending to children etc, where possible I do prefer it is on, as it provide open energy and willingness to share. 

Noting, if the session was a clearing one, it would be mandatory everyone begins with camera's on, as during these sessions there is sharing, and often it is vulnerable in nature, therefore we need to connect to the person behind the camera.

Will there be a place members can connect?

Yes, there will be a WhatsApp chat; however please note questions will not be answered in here - that is what that first session of the month is for! 

The chat will be for connection, for replays, and for any reminders.


Will I receive a recording of the experience?

Yes, replays will be available in your Kajabi members area for ease.


Holistic Money Membership

will gift you with... 

Feelings of empowerment, clarity and confidence in life
The motivation and mindset to overcome your business challenges ahead.
An illuminated vision for your future to fuel you with inspiration.
A visceral set of skills allowing you to be more present in your journey.
Confidence and certainty as you move forward through your businesses and personal life.



 “She made it feel like it was a fun task to better manage your businesses finances without it being a ‘chore’.

Her experience in bookkeeping has given her such fantastic knowledge and I’m grateful I found someone like Amela to gain some clarity on my own businesses financial direction.”

—Latari Bakri

“I am armed with not only new strategies and resources to get my business finances boosted, but I have also experienced the most incredible spiritual manifestation journey with Amela that has completely turned around my money mindset into one of excitement, abundance and joy. I can't wait to watch my business prosper under her magical guidance. Thank you, Amela, for releasing your heart-centred bookkeeping services to the world”

—Rose Mascaro

“As someone who has been thinking about starting a small business for a while, and Amela has provided me with the resources and confidence to take the leap!

The holistic approach has settled a lot of my nerves and given me the internal belief that I can do it!.”

—Emma Leach

Amela is a guiding soul, gently shining a light in the areas needing attention and conscious thought.

—Sam Humphrey



Amela Kissun

I didn't plan on working in accounts or with money, this life chose me - divine guidance if you will.

I have seen it all, and I have had my own financial hardships, but this if what makes me The Heart Centred Bookkeeper and Energy Clearer, because I know how it feels to not know it all, to not know the foundations of dealing with money in a business and personal life. But I also know how it feels to learn and be empowered by getting my money on track.

I've had over a decade working my way from entry level positions, into a finance controller position, and not just clearing my debt but having investments, so now I want to help others find that confidence, clarity, calm and empowerment with their money holistically! You can do it. Come join me.

Money is just energy used to make an exchange, are you ready to master this energy exchange?